My life is wild and crazy! Working full time leaves me NO time to relax or to catch my breath! I seriously have to stay up late, just so I can feel like I did something other than work! Even if that something is lay on the couch and watch a movie with Loren. At least I'm doing that without old people!! :) Side note: I may complain, but I DO love my job and old people! :)
Wedding update: Everything is coming along beautifully! We're keeping everything very simple and very easy (you really have to with only 6 weeks to plan) and I'm pleased with what's going down. I put my dress on tonight to make sure that the jacket is going to match ok and it's all going to be just perfect!
Stay tuned for engagement pictures! I'm going to figure out this blogging/uploading stuff one day! :)
Baby update: She is doing marvelously! Morning sickness is coming back, but I suppose everything can't be perfect! She enjoys getting the hiccups and sitting uncomfortably on Mom's nerve, but other than that she is doing well. A name will be decided before she's born!! Promise!! It's hard thinking up something that isn't already taken by a family member when your family is as large as ours!!
Au revior for now! :)